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Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 15th, 2024

This privacy policy applies to all personal information and data provided by you or collected during your stay at the Hotels or while browsing the website (below referred to as the “Website”).

Please note that this privacy policy lay be changed or updated at any time by LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL, particularly to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological changes. In such cases, the update date will be clearly identified at the top of this policy document. These modifications apply to the User as soon as they are published online. Therefore, the User should consult frequently this privacy policy and cookies usage to be aware of any changes.


In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for Confidence in the Digital Economy (L.C.E.N.), we inform users and visitors of the website: of the following information:


LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €10,000, whose registered office is located at ANGLE RUE RU ROI OSCAR II and RUE DE LA FRANCE 97133 GUSTAVIA SAINT BARTHELEMY, registered with the Basse-Terre Trade and Companies Register under number 848 954 913, represented by Mr. Guillaume Bichot, acting with the necessary powers as president, holding professional card No. CPI 9771 2019 000 042 709, issued by the Saint Barthélemy Chamber of Commerce.


The Publication Manager is Claire Hillau.
Contact the Publication Manager:


Los Tules 178 int. K5 Col. Zona Hotelera Norte. Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Mexico

The user is informed that during visits to this site, cookies may be placed on their computer. These cookies are used to establish traffic statistics. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 38 and following of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to information technology, files, and freedoms, every user has the right to access, rectify, delete, and oppose their personal data. To exercise this right, submit your request to the site publisher by email or by sending a written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of an identity document with the holder's signature, specifying the address to which the response should be sent.

Table of Contents

 1. Identity of the data controller
 2. Collected Data
 3. Timing of data collection
 4. Purposes of data processing, legal basis and retention period
 5. Recipients
 6. Data protection and civil liberties
  6.1 Access rights and communication of data
  6.2 Right to data rectification
  6.3 Right to object
  6.4 Response times
  6.5 Complaint to the competent authority
 7. Data security
 8. Contact
 9. Intellectual Property
 1. General information about cookies on the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website
 2. Set your cookie preferences
  2.1 Cookie Consent Exemptions
  2.2 Cookies requiring your prior consent
  2.3 You can use various tools to set cookie parameters
  2.4. Internet browser setup


In general, it is possible to visit the Website of LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL without providing any personal information about yourself. In any case, you are under no obligation to transmit this information to LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL.

However, if you refuse, you may not be able to benefit from some information or services you have requested. To this effect, LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL may request you to communicate your first and last name, email address, phone number, the company your work for, and your job position (hereinafter referred to as you “Personal Information”).

By providing this information, you agree that it will be processed by LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL for the purposes indicated in point 2 below, as well as for the purposes mentioned at the end of each form.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by European Parliament on April 14th, 2016, as well as with the amended Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL informs you of the following:

1. Identity of the data controller

The data controller is the company LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €100,000, located at ANGLE DE LA RUE OSCAR II and RUE DE LA FRANCE 97133, GUSTAVIA SAINT BARTHELEMY, registered in the Commercial and Companies Register of Basse-Terre under number 821 321 890, represented by Mr. Guillaume Bichot acting and having the necessary powers as president, holding professional card No. CPI 9771 2019 000 042 709, issued by the Saint Barthélemy Chamber of Commerce.

Phone: +590 590 77 48 48 / +590 690 52 96 76

2. Collected Data

At various times, we may collect information about you or the persons accompanying you, including:

The collection of information on persons under the age of 16 is limited to their name, nationality, and date of birth, which can only be provided by an adult. Please ensure that your children do not transmit any personal data without your permission (especially via the Internet). In the event of such transmission, you can contact us by email ( to have this information deleted.

To satisfy your requests or provide you with the appropriate service (e.g., a specific diet), we may collect sensitive information such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, work union membership, health details, or sexual orientation. In such cases, we will only collect this data with your prior express consent.

3. Timing of data collection

Personal data may be collected at various occasions including:

4. Purposes of data processing, legal basis and retention period

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL may process your Personal Information for the following purposes:

We use your personal information as part of our legitimate interest in providing you with the best possible customer service.

More specifically, the personal data is collected to:

This process is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, to comply with a legal obligation, and for our legitimate interest in managing our activities and providing the requested products and services.

In this context, the data is retained for 10 years from the date of booking in accordance with our legal obligations.
This personal information is also used for managing your stay at the hotel, such as room access management and consumption tracking like room service and mini bar.

These procedures are necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party, for our legitimate interest in managing our activities, and to provide the requested products and services.

In this context, this data is retained for the duration of your stay.

This personal data is also collected for internal management purposes of a list of clients who have proven to be unsuitable during their stay at the hotel (assaults and incivilities, non-compliance with the hotel contract, non-compliance with safety instructions, theft, damage, and degradation, or payment incidents).

These processes are necessary for our legitimate interests in managing our activities, performing IT services, administration and network security to prevent fraud.

In this regard, data is retained for a maximum of 130 days since the event was recorded.

5. Recipients

Only LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL is the recipient of your Personal Information. This information, whether in individual or aggregated form, is never transmitted to a third party, notwithstanding the sub-contractors that LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL calls upon. Neither LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL, nor any of its subcontractors, market the personal data of visitors and users of its Website.

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL has ensured in advance that its service providers implement adequate guarantees and comply with strict conditions regarding confidentiality, use and protection of data.

Your data may be transmitted to service providers located outside the European Union, notably as part of the booking process.

Data flows, other than those necessary for the execution of your reservation, to countries that do not offer equivalent personal data protection are governed by the standard contractual clauses defined by the European Commission.

The Website may occasionally contain links to the sites of partners or third-party companies that have their own data protection policies.

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL has no control over the content of these sites and declines all responsibility for the use made of information collected when users click on these links.

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL therefore invites users to familiarize themselves with the data protection policies implemented by the publishers of these sites before sending them any personal information.

6. Data protection and civil liberties

You have the following rights concerning your Personal Information, which you may exercise by writing to us at the postal address mentioned in point 1.

6.1 Access rights and communication of data

You have the right to access your personal information.

However, in view of LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL's obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data, you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you can prove your identity, in particular by producing a scan of your valid identity document (in the event of a request via our dedicated electronic form) or a signed copy of your valid identity document (in the event of a request sent in writing).
LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL informs you that it will be entitled, where appropriate, to oppose manifestly abusive requests (by their number, repetitive or systematic nature).

To help you in your approach, particularly if you wish to exercise your right of access by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter draft up by the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (the “CNIL”). We also ask you to prove your identity with 2 pieces of approved identification.

6.2 Right to data rectification

You have the legal right to request the rectification, update, blocking or deletion of any data concerning you that may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.

You may also define general and specific directives concerning the fate of your personal data after your death. Where applicable, the heirs of a deceased person may ask us to consider the death of their loved one and/or to carry out any necessary updates.

To help you with your request, and if you wish to exercise your right to rectification on your own behalf or on behalf of a deceased relative, by means of a written request sent to the postal address mentioned in point 1, by clicking on the following link for a model letter drawn up by the CNIL. We also ask you to prove your identity with 2 pieces of approved identification.

6.3 Right to object

This right can only be exercised in one of the following two situations:

  1. When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate grounds; or
  2. When the purpose of exercising this right is to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.
To help you in your approach, particularly if you wish to exercise your right to object by means of a written request sent to the postal address indicated in point 1, by clicking on the following link for a model letter drawn up by the CNIL. We also ask you to prove your identity with 2 pieces of approved identification.

6.4 Response times

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL commits to reply to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period, which may not exceed 1 month from receipt of your request.

6.5 Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL is not complying with its obligations regarding your personal Information, you may lodge a complaint or a request with the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL, to which you can send an electronic request by clicking on the following link:

7. Data security

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL collects and processes users’ Personal Data with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with applicable laws. Users are protected against unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction of their Personal Data.

When the disclosure of Personal Data to third parties is necessary and authorized, LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL ensures that these third parties guarantee the same level of protection for the Personal Data concerned as that offered by LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL, and requires contractual guarantees so that the Personal Data is processed exclusively for the purposes accepted by the users, with the required confidentiality and security (notably thanks to European Commission standard clauses, Internal Company Rules (“BCR”) or the EU–US Privacy Shield set up between the European Union and the United States of America).

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL implements technical and organizational measures to ensure that Personal Data is kept securely for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

Users’ attention is drawn to the fact that no transmission or storage technology is totally infallible.

Therefore, in the event of a proven breach of Personal Data likely to give rise to a high risk for the rights and freedoms of users, LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL will inform the competent supervisory authority of this breach in accordance with the procedures laid down by the applicable regulations. Users are responsible for exercising caution to prevent any unauthorized access to their Personal Data and to their computer and digital devices (computer, smartphone, tablet in particular).

8. Contact

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us by e-mail at

9. Intellectual Property

All visual and audio elements of the Website, including the underlying technology used, are protected by copyright, trademark, and/or patent laws.

Le Barth Villa Rental holds the copyright for all content on this website. Photo credits: Laurent BENOIT / Hadrien BRUNNER / Jeanne LE MENN / Jean Philippe PITER / Hugo ALLARD / Gérald TESSIER / François VOCHELLE / Pierre CARREAU / Serge ANTON / Guirec POULIQUEN / Max VANDERNOOT / Emily LABOUERIE / Pierre HENNEQUIN / ELEDONE Design / Benoit TEILLET / KOE Photographies / Tony DUARTE / Axelle CAPPELLI / Abigail LEESE / Olivier LEROI.

These elements are the exclusive property of the Company, or the Company holds a license permitting their commercial use.

Any person who operates a website and wishes to create a direct hyperlink to the Website must request written permission from the Company.

This permission from the Company will not be granted permanently. The link must be removed upon the Company's request. Hyperlinks to the Website that use techniques such as framing or in-line linking are strictly prohibited.

Any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Website and its content, by any means whatsoever, without the prior express authorization of the Company, is prohibited and will constitute infringement, punishable under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

Acceptance of this privacy policy constitutes recognition by the Customer of the Company's intellectual property rights and an agreement to respect them.


When you first connect to the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website, you will be warned by a banner at the bottom of your screen that information relating to your browsing may be recorded in files called “cookies”. Our policy on the use of cookies gives you a better understanding of the measures we have implemented to enable you to browse our website. It informs you of all the cookies present on our website, their purpose (part I.) and how to configure them (part II.).

1. General information about cookies on the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website

LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL, as the publisher of this website, may install a cookie on the hard disk of your device (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.) to guarantee you smooth and optimal browsing on our website.

“Cookies” are small text files of limited size that enable us to recognize your computer, tablet or cell phone in order to personalize the services we offer you.

The information collected through cookies does not allow us to identify you by name. It is used exclusively for our own purposes to improve the interactivity and performance of our website and to send you content tailored to your interests. None of this information is communicated to third parties except where LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL has obtained your prior consent, or where disclosure of such information is required by law, court order or any administrative or judicial authority empowered to deal with such matters.

To give you a better idea of the information that cookies identify, you will find below a table listing the different types of cookies that may be used on the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website, their name, purpose and retention period.

2. Set your cookie preferences

You may accept or refuse the use of cookies at any time.

When you first connect to the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website, a banner briefly presenting information on the deposit of cookies and similar technologies appears at the bottom of your screen. This banner warns you that by continuing your browsing on the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website (by loading a new page or clicking on various elements of the site, for example), you accept the deposit of cookies on your device. You are also deemed to have given your consent to the deposit of cookies by clicking on the “X” icon to the right of the banner at the bottom of your screen.

Depending on the type of cookie in question, it may be necessary to obtain your consent to the placing and reading of cookies on your device.

2.1 Cookie Consent Exemptions

In accordance with the recommendations of the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL), certain cookies do not require your prior consent insofar as they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or are used exclusively to enable or facilitate electronic communication.

These include session ID cookies, authentication cookies, load balancing session cookies and interface personalization cookies. These cookies are fully subject to the present policy insofar as they are issued and managed by LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL.

2.2 Cookies requiring your prior consent

This requirement applies to cookies issued by third parties and described as “persistent” in that they remain on your device until they are deleted or expire.
As such cookies are issued by third parties, their use and storage are subject to their own privacy policies, a link to which is provided below. This family of cookies includes audience measurement cookies (notably MATOMO), advertising cookies (which LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL does not use) and social network sharing cookies (notably from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn).
Audience measurement cookies compile statistics on visits to and use of various elements of the website (such as the content/pages you have visited). This data is used to improve the ergonomics of the LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL website. An audience measurement tool is used on this website:
Click here to manage cookies.

2.3 You can use various tools to set cookie parameters

Most Internet browsers are configured by default to allow the deposit of cookies. Your browser gives you the opportunity to modify these standard settings so that all cookies are systematically rejected, or so that only some cookies are accepted or rejected, depending on the sender.

WARNING: Nevertheless, we draw your attention to the fact that refusing to store cookies on your device may alter your user experience and your access to certain services or functionalities on this website. In this case, LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL declines all responsibility for any consequences linked to the deterioration of your browsing conditions which may occur as a result of your choice to refuse, delete or block the cookies necessary for the website operations. Such consequences shall not constitute damage, and you shall not be entitled to claim any compensation as a result.

Your browser also allows you to delete existing cookies from your device, or to notify you when new cookies are likely to be placed on your device. These settings have no effect on your browsing experience.
Please look at the various tools available to you below to enable you to configure the cookies stored on your device.

2.4. Internet browser setup

When using the Website or certain services linked to the Website, certain data is collected automatically, such as: (i) IP address, (ii) reference of the browser software used, (iii) browsing data (date, time, consulted content, used search terms, etc.), (iv) operating system references.

Among the technologies used to collect this information, LE BARTH VILLA RENTAL may use “php” sessions, which store each user's data using a unique session identifier. These php sessions keep data in memory only as long as users are browsing the website.

Data collected during browsing is thus deleted when the user's browser closes, or, where applicable, within a maximum period of thirteen months from the date of collection.

Each Internet browser has its own cookie management settings. To find out how to modify your cookie preferences, please click on the links below to access the appropriate menu in your browser:

Chrome :

Firefox :

Microsoft Edge :

Opera :

Safari :

For more information about cookie management tools, please visit the CNIL website:


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